Oracle Service Contracts User Guide
Oracle Service contracts user guide can be found here
select order_number
from oks_reprocessing a
where a.success_flag = 'E' and order_number not in (Select nvl(source_header_ref,'11111') from csi_txn_errors)
List the orders that have failed in transaction and have an entry in the CSI_TXN_ERRORS table.
SELECT wl.meaning release_status
, wdd.released_status
, wdd.source_line_id
, wdd.source_code
, wser.fm_serial_number
, oelines.header_id
, oeheader.sold_to_org_id
, wdd.shipped_quantity
, wdd.delivery_detail_id
FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd
, apps.wsh_lookups wl
, oe_order_headers_all oeheader
, wsh_serial_numbers wser
WHERE 1 = 1
AND wl.lookup_type = 'PICK_STATUS'
AND wl.lookup_code = wdd.released_status
AND wdd.source_code = 'OE'
AND wdd.source_line_id=oelines.line_id
and oelines.header_id = oeheader.header_id
AND WDD.DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID=wser.delivery_detail_id
Use the following query to list all the concurrent requests in Oracle which are in errored or error status.
Modify the query to get the reports that you want
select a.request_id,a.request_date,b.user_concurrent_program_name, a.requested_by,a.responsibility_application_id, a.responsibility_id,
a.completion_text, a.logfile_name from FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS a, FND_CONCURRENT_PROGRAMS_TL b where a.concurrent_program_id=b.concurrent_program_id
and a.status_code='E' and a.request_date > to_date('13-jan-2008','DD-MON-YYYY') order by a.request_date desc
Labels: 11i, Oracle 9i, Oracle Apps
Steps to convert/compile custom.pll files.
Convert .pll to .pld
Convert .pld to .pll
Compile all modules
Copy the pll and plx back to $AU_TOP/resource
Then bounce forms port (f60down and f60up should not be used as because it kills existing connections)
List Responsibilities by User in Oracle Apps eBusiness Suite. Use the following query to list the responsibilities assigned to a particular user in Oracle Applications (Ebusiness Suite)
SELECT FNDRESP.* FROM fnd_user fnduser, fnd_user_resp_groups FNDRESPGROUP, fnd_responsibility_TL FNDRESP WHERE
AND FNDRESP.responsibility_id=FNDRESPGROUP.responsibility_id
and upper(fnduser.user_name) like upper('%your user%');
Labels: 11i, Ebusiness Suite, Oracle Apps
Oracle9i onwards there is new datatype called sys.xmlType. This provides a great way to handle XML documents with minimal or no parsing required.
Listed below is a sample of how to use the xmlType.
Step 1. Create Table of XML type
CREATE TABLE xml_table( xml_col SYS.XMLTYPE );Step 2. Insert the following XML into the xml_table defined above
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<subject>some subject</subject>
<body>some body</body>
l_temp sys.xmlType;
l_temp := sys.xmlType.createXML('
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<subject>some subject</subject>
<body>some body</body>
insert into xml_table values ( l_Temp);
Step 3. Write select query to extract data from this table. Sample extract query listed below.
select a.xml_col.extract("//from/text()").getStringVal() as from from xml_table a
Labels: oracle 10g, Oracle 9i, Web Services, XMLTYPE
User hooks provide the client with the ability to add logic to application processing and to disable optional product processing. These User Hooks take the form of procedures that may be called by the application, in sequence, when the application takes a specified action on a specified object type.
Not all the Oracle Applications API's have user hooks. The API's which have users hooks are listed in the following table
So if you are looking to modify/customize a particular API, look for the that API in the the above table.
For example,
select * from jtf_user_hooks where API_NAME = 'CANCEL_ORDER'
Just like triggers, User Hooks can be made to fire pre/post. In order to set a user hook as active , the execute flag has to be set to 'Y'.
Labels: 11i, Ebusiness Suite, Oracle, Oracle Apps