Calling Web Services from Oracle 9i or 10g using UTL_HTTP
Calling Web Services from Oracle 9i or 10g using UTL_HTTP package in PLSQL
By using PL/SQL we eliminate the need to write wrapper API's and the Web Service calls are reduced to simple PL/SQL Database selects statements. This way the Web Service calls can be natively used within PL/SQL functions, procedures etc. In addition there is no need to build new Web Service calls for client layers (forms, jsps etc).- First Identify the webservice and the "envelope" that you need to post to the webservice using UTL_HTTP post method. In this example, I am using the following WebService
The WebService is expecting the following Envelope for the GetQuote Method
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<GetQuote xmlns="http://www.webserviceX.NET/">
</soap:Envelope> - PL/SQL routine for invoking the webservice
create or replace FUNCTION WS_QUOTE( symbol in varchar2) RETURN sys.xmltype
env VARCHAR2(32767);
http_req utl_http.req;
http_resp utl_http.resp;
resp sys.xmltype;
in_xml sys.xmltype;
url varchar2(2000):='';
-- generate_envelope(req, env);
env:='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
<GetQuote xmlns="http://www.webserviceX.NET/">
<symbol>' || symbol || '</symbol>
http_req := utl_http.begin_request(url, 'POST','HTTP/1.1');
utl_http.set_body_charset(http_req, 'UTF-8');
-- utl_http.set_proxy('proxy:80', NULL);
-- utl_http.set_persistent_conn_support(TRUE);
-- UTL_HTTP.set_authentication(http_req, '', '3', 'Basic', TRUE );
utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml');
utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'Content-Length', length(env));
utl_http.set_header(http_req, 'SOAPAction', 'http://www.webserviceX.NET/GetQuote');
utl_http.write_text(http_req, env);
http_resp := utl_http.get_response(http_req);
utl_http.read_text(http_resp, env);
in_xml := sys.xmltype.createxml(env);
resp := xmltype.createxml(env);
dbms_output.put_line('same output');
dbms_output.put_line(SUBSTR(env, 1, 245));
RETURN resp;
- Sample extract Query for extracting the information
select extract(ws_quote('GOOG'),'//GetQuoteResult/text()',
'xmlns:soap=""').getStringVal() from dual
Using this technique, all webservices calls are reduced to simple queries in the database and can be used to virtualize the database.